About Black Folk Must Vote

Black Folk Must Vote (BFVM) is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization that exists to help bring African Americans to the polls. Since 2004, we’ve reached thousands of eligible Black voters by ensuring access to factual information about voting and registration, and bringing voter education and engagement directly to Black communities. 

We aim to shift cultural norms around voting and maximize Black voters’ participation in the election process.

During this unprecedented time, we believe that communicating a clear, consistent message and working together, using our collective power to educate and register eligible Black voters and fight widespread voter suppression efforts represent the best opportunities for boosting Black voter turnout in 2024.

Our Movement

Our work is part of a growing movement for voting and racial justice in America. For over 20 years, Black Folk Must Vote has been building a national coalition of Black voters, activists, partner organizations, and celebrity supporters committed to mobilizing and inspiring the millions of eligible Black voters. 

Working collaboratively gives us the reach and power to do more and ensure that eligible Black voters are registered and prepared to vote in every election. 

Supporting  and participating in protest movements such as Black Lives Matter helps us create more community awareness and advocate for the right and freedom of Black Americans to have a say in our democracy. 

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